Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Criteria For Supporting Federal Candidates For Office? As Easy As 1-2-3....

Criteria For Supporting Federal Candidates For Office? As Easy As 1-2-3....
By David Mixner
Copyright by David Mixner
Jun 14 2010

Community and Party committees who write checks to candidates is often made out to be some long and complex process. Often they send long questionnaires or conduct equally long interviews. Sometimes they find reasons to make exceptions for some candidates and allow them walk away from our issues. Really deciding who to support is not that complicated.

In writing or volunteering for candidates running for federal office this year, avoid at all costs committees who for some reason find it easy to compromise our rights. Such committees as the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee and Democratic Congressional Campaign Fund support all Democrats no matter what their views on LGBT rights. They support dozens of 'Blue Dog Democrats' who actively oppose our struggle for freedom. Don't be fooled by special funds within those committees that "only go to pro-LGBT candidates." What that means is it just frees up the other funds to go to our oppressors within the party.

Even some of our national LGBT organizations write checks to candidates who don't support marriage equality. So my advice is to write checks directly to the candidates. There are plenty of them around who are willing to fight by our side. Just use three simple questions and that should cover most of it. There is no doubt you might want to add some other questions based on local needs but at least we can make it "as easy as 1-2-3..."

1. Does the candidate supports full equality including marriage equality, repeal of DADT and repeal of DOMA?

2. Will the candidate promise to actively fight and oppose any anti-LGBT ballot measure and/or legislation at the federal, state and local level?

3. Will the candidate be visible in our struggle for freedom.

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