Blago guilty on one count: Lying to the FBI
Copyright by The Associated Press
August 17, 2010 4:54 PM
A federal jury today convicted former Gov. Rod Blagojevich of only one count against him: lying to the FBI. Jurors said they were deadlocked on the other 23 counts against the former governor, and all four counts against his brother Robert.
Blagojevich, who faces up to 5 years in prison, pursed his lips and shook his head slightly.
Patti rested her head on the chair in front of her and shook her head no several times.
Blagojevich looked at her with an annoyed look on his face.
As jurors filed out, Patti collapsed into her seat and the former governor's attorney, Sam Adam Jr. moved next to Blagojevich and put his arm around him, rubbing his back.
Declaring a mistrial on the 23 counts, U.S. District Judge James Zagel gave the prosecution until Aug. 26 to decide whether to retry Blagojevich and his brother.
But prosecutors said they didn't need that long to decide. "It is absolutely our intent to retry this," said Assistant U.S. Atty. Reid Schar. "We could be here tomorrow."
Michael Ettinger, attorney for Robert Blagojevich, talks to reporters at the federal courthouse. (Antonio Perez/Tribune)
After the judge left to the call of "all rise," Patti didn't stand up and looked angry with her head down, staring at her lap.
In the lobby, Robert Blagojevich said jurors saw him as "an innocent target of the federal government."
"I have lived through the most surreal experience anyone could live through," he continued.
Robert Blagojevich said he has to look at whether he has money to defend himself a second time but "I feel strong, I feel confident."
"My life has been on hold," he said. "It's very frustrating. . .but I feel strong in what I've got to do."
The verdict was announced shortly before 4:30 p.m. after 14 days of deliberation.
Blagojevich and his wife arrived at the courthouse for the announcement around 3:45 p.m.
"God bless you, God bless you, I didn't let you down," Blago said as he shook hands with admirers. He also high-fived spectators.
Patti laughed as Blagojevich kissed her on the cheek.
As he entered the courtroom on the 25th floor, he said: "How are ya' doin'? Say a prayer for us."
Robert Blagojevich arrived with his wife and son around 3:55 p.m., waving to people and reporters gathered in the lobby.
U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald and Robert Grant, head of the FBI in Chicago, were in the courtroom for the announcement.
Earlier today, the jury sent out a note this morning indicating it might be getting close to concluding its deliberations.
In the note, jurors asked for two things: a copy of the oath they took when they were sent to deliberate; and instructions from the judge on how to fill out a verdict form when they can't agree on a specific count.
"Do we leave it blank or report the vote split?" the note asked.
Zagel agreed to send a copy of the oath to jurors and said he would also instruct them to write on top of the verdict form if they cannot reach a consensus on a count.
Here is the oath the jury took just before deliberations began: "Do you and each of you solemnly swear that you will well and truly try and a true deliverance make between the United States and ______, the defendant at the bar, and a true verdict render according to the evidence, so help you God?"
Zagel ordered Blagojevich and his brother, Robert, to remain no more than 30 minutes from the courthouse.
Attorney Michael Ettinger, who represents Robert Blagojevich, predicted a verdict today.
"I think all that's left is to sign the verdict form," he said. "I think it's over."
But the former governor's attorney, Sheldon Sorosky, was less certain that the latest note likely meant a verdict today.
"It could be today or it could be three, four days," he said.
Last week, in an earlier note, jurors said they had deliberated for many days "without rancor." The request for a copy of the oath could signal that the harmony in the jury room has begun to fray.
This is the jury's 14th day of deliberations.
On Monday, Zagel agreed to hand over the transcripts of former deputy governor Bradley Tusk's testimony after jurors asked for them. They're the first witness transcripts jurors will have with them in the jury room since they started deliberating at the end of July.
Tusk told the court in June that Blagojevich planned to hold up a $2 million grant to a school in then-Congressman Rahm Emanuel's district until his Hollywood-agent brother, Ari, held a fundraiser.
--Staff and Associated Press
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