Obama's wisdom on Iraq
By Steve Chapman
Copyright © 2010, Chicago Tribune
August 31, 2010
For those of us who thought the Iraq war was a colossal mistake all along, President Obama's speech marking the withdrawal of the last U.S. combat forces is an underwhelming moment. Though he opposed the war before and after it was launched, Obama has followed the same course established by his predecessor. George W. Bush had promised an end to combat operations this summer and signed an accord with the Iraqi government to remove the rest of our troops by the end of next year. Obama is doing the same. Big deal.
In his defense, I have to admit that Obama was dealt a very bad hand, and he has tried to be more careful getting out than Bush was in getting in -- though probably too careful. And just because Bush said he would follow this timetable doesn't mean President McCain would have upheld that commitment.
But there is a more important benefit from having Obama in charge at this stage of the war: He is not likely to interpret the modest and uncertain achievements of Bush's 2007 surge as proof that military adventures like this are a sound idea for the future.
The Republicans' recent crowing is a reminder that they never recognized the criminal folly of invading and occupying Iraq or the awful cost it has inflicted on Americans as well as Iraqis. If McCain were in office, they would doubtless claim this outcome as a triumphant vindication. And the perception of success might lead them into new wars -- say, against Iran.
Obama knows better than to think what we've achieved in Iraq was worth the cost. And that is the beginning of wisdom.
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