Friday, October 1, 2010

36 Hours in Moscow

36 Hours in Moscow
Copyright by The New York Times
Published: September 29, 2010

POST-PERESTROIKA, Moscow evoked a giant college dormitory gone wild. Free from oppressive and overbearing Soviet leaders, Muscovites set upon their city with freshman-like zeal, indulging in the fruits of capitalism, hangovers be damned. But the current global slowdown, which knocked some of the sparkle out of Russia’s economic growth, also appears to have injected a bit of maturity — and perhaps even some sobriety — into a city where subtlety once seemed taboo. There is, however, plenty of debauchery left, so bring your tight leather trousers and leopard-print hot pants, if that’s your thing. But those with more refined tastes will also find a more subdued sense of chic.

Moscow, Russia

4 p.m.

One of the city’s cooler new scenes was once its sweetest. On an island across from the Kremlin, the Krasny Oktyabr, a red-brick chocolate factory from the 19th century, was recently converted into a modish cultural complex with galleries, lecture halls and cafes. Top galleries include the Lumiere Brothers Center of Photography (3 Bolotnaya Naberezhnaya, building 1; 7-495-228-9878;, one of the few places dedicated to the preservation and study of Soviet and Russian photography. Between shows, grab coffee or a beer and a snack at Blogistan (6 Bersenevskaya Naberezhnaya, building 3; 7-910-429-4644;, a new subterranean cafe adorned with Buddhist prayer flags and local artwork and stocked with various board games.

6 p.m.

If it’s not too cold, walk across the Patriarchs Bridge, a new footbridge where newlyweds affix padlocks in a Russian marriage tradition. Offering spectacular views of the Kremlin, the bridge links the chocolate factory to the gold-domed Cathedral of Christ the Savior, which was built in the 1990s as a replica of the original demolished under Stalin. For a glimpse of pre-revolutionary Moscow, continue to Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street and stop into Kvartira 44 (22/2 Bolshaya Nikitskaya; 7-495-691-7503; Popular with the artistic intelligentsia, the family-owned bar and restaurant offers inexpensive drinks (and food), with beers starting at 130 rubles, about $4.30 at 30 rubles to the dollar, and shots of Stolichnaya for 80 rubles. The piano bar on the top floor turns raucous around midnight. If there’s no room, head across the street to Mayak (19/13 Bolshaya Nikitskaya; 7-495-691-7449), which is owned by the same family.

9 p.m.

Back at the chocolate factory, Art Strelka (14 Bersenevskaya Naberezhnaya, building 5; 7-495-771-7417; is a new hangout where the city’s glitterati deign to mingle with the grungy bohemian crowd that pours into the bar after film viewings and art lectures given on the premises. The food is eclectic: gazpacho and cold beet-root soup, steaks and paella, and (of course) chocolate in the form of a warm, gooey brownie. Prices for food and drinks are reasonable with a dinner for two, plus wine and great cocktails costing about 4,000 rubles.


Moscow night life doesn’t really get going until well after midnight, and becomes interesting only much later. For a low-key evening, stay at Art Strelka. If it’s warm enough, bask in the lingering northern sun on the spacious roof deck. Or head downstairs where D.J.’s spin till morning. If you’re feeling flush and need more glam, stop into Rai (9 Bolotnaya Naberezhnaya; 7-495-364-0101;, a glitzy club on the other side of the island. Best to wear those hot pants if you plan to get in. Pulling up in a Bentley wouldn’t hurt, either.


10 a.m.

Luckily for artsy Muscovites, it has become fashionable for Russia’s billionaires to set up their daughters, wives, girlfriends or mistresses with galleries to keep them occupied. Garage (19A Obraztsova Street; 7-495-645-0520; is one of the few devoted to modern art, and arguably the coolest. Housed in a former bus depot, it is run by Dasha Zhukova, girlfriend of the Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich, and the editor of Pop magazine, the British fashion glossy. While most galleries charge admission, ticket prices here are surprisingly proletarian at 300 rubles. Grab coffee and a snack at the gallery’s funky cafe where salads and soups are 150 to 300 rubles.

1 p.m.

When it’s warm, follow the sound of singers rehearsing at the New Opera to the Hermitage Gardens (entrance at 3 Karetny Ryad;, a charming park with cast-iron gazebos and cafes, where locals like to lounge when not at their country houses. There are also frequent outdoor concerts. As the weather gets colder, the terraces come down and ice skating rinks go up. Try the rink on Red Square for a unique view of Russia’s most famous landmark. A session costs 150 to 300 rubles depending on time ( Warm up with a drink at the O2 Lounge (3 Tverskaya Street; 7-495-225-8888;, a chic rooftop bar atop the Ritz-Carlton, with stunning Kremlin views.

7 p.m.

Despite Russia’s hostilities with Georgia two years ago, Muscovites still love Georgian food. With its assortment of cheese-filled pastries, grilled meats and spicy soups, Georgian cuisine is for Russians what Mexican food is for Americans. Try the perfectly grilled shashlik or shish kebabs at Dzhondzholi (20/1 Tverskaya Street; 7-495-650-5567), a cavernous restaurant with a large trellised veranda in summer. Or, for the cheesy pies known as khachapuri, head to aptly named Khachapuri (10 Bolshoi Gnezdnikovsky Side Street; 7-495-629-6656;, a relaxed cafe with a mostly Georgian staff and a white-haired piano player with a penchant for jazz standards. A full Georgian feast with wine (a must) costs about 1,500 to 3,000 rubles a person at each restaurant.


A former natural gas factory, close to Kursky train station, has been transformed into the epicenter of the city’s underground club scene. In addition to housing fashion studios, music stores and galleries, the Arma factory complex (entrance at 5 Nizhny Susalny Side Street;, has several cutting-edge clubs including Gazgolder (Building 1; 7-985-226-3340;, Discoteque, (Building 5; 7-495-410-5452; and Arma 17 (Building 3A; 7- 495-410-0414; All are big, loud and funky, with all-night thump-athons featuring European guest D.J.’s, concerts and frequent parties that cater to the city’s growing gay scene. Admission varies. Cocktails are 300 to 500 rubles.


8 a.m.

If you’re clubbing till 6 or 7 in the morning, breakfast can be something of a problem. Luckily several spots around town have been experimenting with what in this city is quite an innovation: brunch. Noor Bar (23 Tverskaya Street; 7-499-130-6030; is a stylish new cafe on one of Moscow’s main drags where a tasty brunch with fresh-squeezed orange juice and coffee costs less than 1,000 rubles. Another option is CafĂ© des Artistes (5/6 Kamergersky Side Street; 7-495-692-4042;, which has a spacious outdoor veranda that’s great for people watching. A set brunch costs a mere 500 rubles.

2 p.m.

Though slowing down a bit, Moscow’s hypercapitalism can still be overwhelming. So if you’re feeling a bit nostalgic for the old centralized economy, take a trip to the All-Russia Exhibition Center (110 Prospect Mira; 7 495-544-3400; Once called the All-Union Exhibition of the Achievements of the People’s Economy, it was built as a monument to the greatness of socialism, though now looks more like a crumbling totalitarian Disney World. Shops selling cheap electronics and beauty supplies fill many of the pavilions where the different Soviet republics once showed off their native industries. Still, with its monumental halls, the park offers a fleeting glimpse of the pomp and outsized grandeur of the U.S.S.R.


Flights to Moscow from the United States have increased in recent years, including new nonstops from New York, Atlanta and Chicago. A recent Web search found a nonstop flight on Aeroflot, the greatly improved Russian carrier, from Kennedy Airport to Moscow, starting at $604 for travel in October. From the airport, take the convenient Aeroexpress trains ( to the city center. One-way tickets cost 300 rubles, about $10.

Moscow has some of the most expensive hotels in the world, and only a few options for frugal travelers, who might try the Godzillas Hostel (6 Bolshaya Karetnaya Street; 7-495-699-4223; Rates start at 868 rubles for a bed in a 10-room dorm; private rooms are 2,170 rubles.

The well-situated Golden Apple Boutique Hotel (11 Malaya Dmitrovka; 7-495-980-7000; is one of the few boutique hotels in Moscow. Rooms start at 10,000 rubles.

At the upper extreme is the Ritz-Carlton (3 Tverskaya Street; 7-495-225-8888; Just steps from the Kremlin, the former Intourist hotel has 334 luxurious rooms starting at 23,000 rubles.

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