Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Paladino and gays

Paladino and gays
By Steve Chaspman
Copyright © 2010, Chicago Tribune
October 11, 2010

Carl Paladino, the Republican nominee for governor of New York and opponent of same-sex marriage, has some odd ideas about gays. Yesterday, he gave a speech saying, "I just think my children and your children would be much better off getting married and raising a family, and I don't want them brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option."

This talk about invalid options is a little surprising coming from someone who disseminates videos featuring displays of bestiality. But never mind. A lot of gays agree that people are better off getting married, which is why they want the right to do just that.

But I assume Paladino meant that people are better off getting married to opposite-sex partners. When it comes to heterosexuals, I can't argue. But it's hard to see how anyone benefits if a gay man or woman marries a heterosexual of the opposite sex.

That is a recipe for disaster, from which neither parents nor children gain. I think anyone who ever got unwittingly involved in such a marriage -- such as Dina Matos McGreevey, who was first lady of New Jersey when she found out her husband was gay -- would agree.

And does Paladino really think exposure to gays could "brainwash" heterosexual youngsters into changing their orientation? If "brainwashing" on sexual preference worked, there would be very few gays, since most of them were raised in homes and in a culture in which heterosexuality is taken as the norm. But that brainwashing doesn't seem to work.

Paladino said today that his Democratic opponent, Andrew Cuomo, shouldn't have taken his daughters to a Gay Pride parade because of the raunchy displays at such events. I've never been to one, so I'm willing to concede he might be right. But Paladino wasn't there. So how does he know the Cuomo girls were exposed to anything inappropriate?

The main result of treating homosexuality as normal is to teach young people tolerance and respect for others -- and to let gay youngsters know they are not mentally ill or criminal because of desires that are natural to them. Those kids need to know that they can lead "valid" and "successful" lives regardless of their sexual orientation -- and regardless of people like Carl Paladino.

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